Our workshops are an easy way to learn more about Medicare and the things you should know. We want attendees to walk away feeling confident and enthusiastic about their upcoming Medicare Journey. Register to join us for in-person live presentation, virtual live webinar, or watch an on-demand video.

  • For accommodations of persons with special needs at meetings, call 253-651-4169 TTY 711.
  • This event is for educational purposes and no plan specific information will be shared.

Upcoming Informative Seminars

Tuesday, October 24, 2023
6:30 pm

Medicare Advantage Plans: Everything about Advantage Plans

Medicare annual enrollment is here! How to decide which plan to choose? How do advantage plans work with Medicare? Is a Medicare advantage plan right for me? What's the difference between the plans? This discussion will be about everything Medicare advantage plans.


Wednesday, November 8, 2023
2:00 pm

Medicare Supplement Plans, AKA Medigap Plans

What exactly is a Supplement plan? How does it work with Medicare? Is it different from advantage plans? What supplement is right for me? The conversation will be about everything Medicare supplement plans! Everything you want to know.


Tuesday, November 21, 2023
6:30 pm

Medicare Supplement Plans, AKA Medigap Plans

What exactly is a Supplement plan? How does it work with Medicare? Is it different from advantage plans? What supplement is right for me? The conversation will be about everything Medicare supplement plans! Everything you want to know.



What Are They Are Saying...

If you are looking for a high quality company, I highly recommend this one. They are the very best in the field, no compromise. Laurie has helped me with the setup of Medicare and continues to help me navigate through the process. She is extremely efficient and has great follow through. She is always eager to help me with whatever I need or any questions I may have. I highly recommend her.


dreaded the Medicare/ supplement insurance thing and really was clueless about what covered what. Laurie walked me through it and basically handled everything! I’m so glad not to have gone through what some of my friends have. She’s always makes time to answer my questions, I love that! She’s the best!

Karen M.

If you are looking for a high quality company, I highly recommend this one. They are the very best in the field, no compromise.

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Only Senior Options

Offices in Washington & Colorado

In-Person & Phone Consultations Available

  (253) 651-4169

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